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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Wolfgang Dozauer, a favorite teacher and coach

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

An obituary for teacher and coach Wolfgang Dozauer, who died in late 2018, was published on Feb. 24, 2019 on MLive and forwarded to us by David Slee.

Mr. Dozauer was a popular German teacher and when Dale Withers Peck saw the news, she commented,

“One of my favorite teachers—all the girls had crushes on him.”

He was also a popular coach for the gymnastics, swimming, and diving teams at Pioneer and Huron High Schools. A graduate of the UofM, he was recruited by Newt Loken, Chris Loken-Kim’s father (the longtime gymnastics coach at Michigan) and given a scholarship to the university, where he became one of the first UM cheerleaders at Wolverine football games.


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