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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Second regional reunion in Florida a big hit

Last year's reunion for Florida class members and other friends was such a success that it was repeated this year with 28 guests, and plans are already being made for next year, when the reunion will be held on March 11-13, again at The Villages (near Orlando), where class members Bobbi Thayer Kirtland and Rich Kirkland live.

Attending this year were Ken ('63) & Cindy Robbins Elder, Bonnie Holtzhauer Bean, Pam Conn Hyde, Stoyan & Nancy Dulgeroff, Paul('63) & Barbara Angell Gilson, Gary & Barbara Grayum Woods, Patty Schneider Mannor, Jim ('63) & Cheri Meyer Sartori, Ron & Rita Mulholland Yeager, Laurie ('63) & Celeste Kroll, Wolfgang & Betty Vokovich Hass, John & Gwen Thayer Handelman ('64), Lynn & Rick Sartori, Dave Menefee, Bill Kinsley, Marty Schneider ('64), and the Kirtlands.

If you think you might or definitely will come in 2016, contact Bobbi soon at (tel. 513 325-9910). March accommodations in The Villages fill up fast. She will send out a list to the “definites” and “maybes” in September about staying there for the March event. And if you know anyone from AAHS who has moved to Florida, please send their contact info to Bobbi.

Here are some great photos from this year's event.

Barb Angell Gilson, Dave Menefee, Bonnie Holzauer Bean
Barb Angell Gilson, Dave Menefee, Bonnie Holzauer Bean
Barb Grayum Woods and Gary Woods
Barb Grayum Woods and Gary Woods
Barbara Angell Gilson and Paul Gilson
Barbara Angell Gilson and Paul Gilson
Betty Vokovich Hass and Wolfgang Hass
Betty Vokovich Hass and Wolfgang Hass
Bobbie Thayer Kirtland and Rich Kirtland
Bobbie Thayer Kirtland and Rich Kirtland
Bonnie Holzhauer Bean, Dave Menefee, Pamela Conn Hyde
Bonnie Holzhauer Bean, Dave Menefee, Pamela Conn Hyde
Cheryl Meyer Sartori and Jim Sartori
Cheryl Meyer Sartori and Jim Sartori
Cindy Robbins Elder and Ken Elder
Cindy Robbins Elder and Ken Elder
Cindy Robbins Elder and Patty Schneider Mannor
Cindy Robbins Elder and Patty Schneider Mannor
Pamela Conn Hyde, Bonnie Holzhauer Bean, Betty Haas Vokovich Hass, Rita Mulholland Yeager
Pamela Conn Hyde, Bonnie Holzhauer Bean, Betty Haas Vokovich Hass, Rita Mulholland Yeager
 Pamela Conn Hyde
Pamela Conn Hyde
Rick and Lynn Sartori
Rick and Lynn Sartori
Rita Mulholland Yeager and Ron Yeager
Rita Mulholland Yeager and Ron Yeager
Stoyan and Nancy Dulgeroff
Stoyan and Nancy Dulgeroff
The Girls
The Girls
Florida 2015 Reunion — Group Picture  Return to top
Florida 2015 Reunion — Group Picture Return to top


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