Photo Gallery: Duane BrownNancy McArtorJan 15, 2020Updated: Jan 18, 2020There were 3 new photos of Duane added this month (January, 2020).Pioneer Town western village near Palm Springs, my home since 2016, used for western movie setsAt a wedding in the Napa Valley, July 2019With my new husband, Pasha, at the San Francisco City Hall, on our wedding day, December 5, 2017Ready for a VIP reception at the San Francisco 49ers' new Levi StadiumTaken by Nancy McArtor at a San Francisco Opera performance in the SF Giants ballpark, 2014
There were 3 new photos of Duane added this month (January, 2020).Pioneer Town western village near Palm Springs, my home since 2016, used for western movie setsAt a wedding in the Napa Valley, July 2019With my new husband, Pasha, at the San Francisco City Hall, on our wedding day, December 5, 2017Ready for a VIP reception at the San Francisco 49ers' new Levi StadiumTaken by Nancy McArtor at a San Francisco Opera performance in the SF Giants ballpark, 2014