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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Not exactly teeny weeny

Vicki Guenther Farrell’s grandson, Patrick, isn’t exactly in the “Teeny Weeny” category but if anyone qualifies as a Wolverine, he does. Colleen McLean Calver’s assessment when she saw his photo: “This takes the prize - the REAL deal!!!” A football star at Pioneer, Patrick played for MSU his freshman year (to the disappointment of his parents, both UM alumni), but transferred to Michigan the following year and was a wide receiver under coach Rick Rodriguez until he graduated. He worked for the team while getting his MBA before moving on to a successful career in Nashville and Seattle, and proving once again that there's Life After Michigan Football.

Vicki Guenther Farrell’s grandson, Patrick
Vicki Guenther Farrell’s grandson, Patrick


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