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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Tim Falls

1/19/24. With a doctoral degree in education, Tim had a highly accomplished career as a teacher, coach and principal. He later taught secondary education at the University of Michigan and was a passionate Michigan fan. He always signed his emails “Go Blue!”

In 9th grade at Tappan, Tim was voted Most Attractive (along with Lynn Fuentes Umpleby). He was not the kind of guy to brag about a thing like that, but the girls remember! From the class FB page:

Sally Fawcett Peet: I had a crush on him in junior high.

Nancy McArtor: I had a crush on him, too!

Lynn Umpleby Fuentes: Me, too!

Lauri Ingber Solomon: Everyone had a crush on Tim!

Not just intellectually engaged — he was known for reading five books at a time — Tim did a lot out of doors, too, with a particular enthusiasm for gardening, fishing and golf. He was a past president of Lakelands Golf and Country Club in Brighton.

You can view Tim's obituary here.

Tim Falls
Tim Falls
Tim with his wife, Patty
Tim with his wife, Patty


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