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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about teacher George Bigelow

Mr. Bigelow died at the age of 93 on January 31, 2018. Thanks to Sharon Ralph Gingras who made sure we got the news. It will be of greatest interest to those of us who went to Tappan, where Mr. Bigelow was a popular teacher for 27 years. His subject was business – which in those days was taken by kids with amazing foresight who later had successful business careers. He was also a well-regarded football coach and the student council advisor. Dave Rea, Skip Odell, Bobbie Goddard Lam and I were the beneficiaries of that. For the life of me, I can’t remember what class officers in junior high actually did in those days. I do remember that girls wore skirts to school, we wrote our papers in longhand, drugs weren’t on anyone’s radar, and sock hops were a big deal. Mr. Bigelow left teaching just in time.

Please click here to see Mr Bigelow's obituary.  


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