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Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Nick Bohr

We've learned that a class member whom many Slauson "kids" may remember -- especially if you were in homeroom B1 where Nick was secretary -- has died. Nick attended AAHS with us but finished high school elsewhere.

Even if you didn't know Nick, it's clear from his obituary that he was a memorable person and if there was a common theme in the reminiscences of class members, it’s how smart he was. Kate Brown remembered him from classes they had together at AAHS. “He was quiet but obviously brilliant.” Martha Gilson Phillips knew Nick starting at Mack elementary school, then through Slauson and high school. “He was obviously extremely bright!” A line from Julia Steiner that Nick would have enjoyed: “He was always the smartest guy in the room!” Martha Walters Sayre remembers Nick for a different reason, his artistic talent, and you can read about that in his obituary. She also said, “I knew him as a kid when he lived near some of our classmates, including David Menefee, Mary Harper Dake, and Lynn Ladd Salamin.


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