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News about Mike Frohlich

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

11/30/21. Mike died unexpectedly in London, where he had made his home for many years. Mike was a National Merit Scholar semifinalist, but his classmates knew long before that how smart he was. At Tappan, he listed his interests as Chess Club, Astronomy Club, and Science Club, and it’s not surprising that he made his career in the sciences.

At the time of his passing, he was a member of Jodrell Laboratory at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, an internationally important botanical research and education institution in London. He co-wrote 103 published articles and his work was cited over 2,000 times.

An example of his writing is an article done in collaboration with two other researchers titled, “Flowering Plants in the Anthropocene: A Political Agenda”, which explored their view that “Through an evolutionary and quantitative analysis of agriculture, and bridging plant and Earth sciences, we anticipate the advent of a research and policy framework, integrating plant science in all sectors: the economy, local and global governance, and geopolitics.”

Mike Frohlich
Mike Frohlich


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