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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Mary Wagner Fink

Sharon Ralph Gingras got in touch to let us know that Mary died in early July after a fall. Mary was a member of the class Facebook group and when we posted the news there, other class members’ remembrances had a common theme: Mary was fun! Pamela Purdy Stephens knew Mary, going back to elementary school, and said that she was “always funny and laughing!” That was still true in high school, with Dale Withers Peck recalling Mary’s “fun-loving ways”. A close friend, Kathy Miller Arhangelos, said “Mary was such a fun gal to be around, never shy to say what she thought.” Judy Otts Dowding lost track of her for a long time after graduation but wrote that “a group of us found each other and started having lunch once a month at Knight’s Steakhouse.” That group included classmates Kay Deller Cullin, Mary Kirby Lumbard, Dawn Cole Kirk, Linda Wiedmeyer Hartmann, Sharon and Judy. She added, “Mary found the love of her life with Terry Fink shortly after graduation and they were married for over 50 years”, a happy achievement every married couple could hope for.

Mary Wagner Fink
Mary Wagner Fink


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