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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Jeanne Van Buren Reed

3/22/21. Class member Bill Gale sent us the news about Jeanne's passing, saying "I’ve known her since middle school at Slauson. Her husband, Jim Reed, [also our classmate] and I have been best friends since elementary school. Jeanne was a warm and wonderful person."

Others from our class remembered her fondly, too. Camille Procassini said, "She was so kind, always” and Barbara Angell Gilson used the same word, “kind”, a quality we could all hope to be remembered by. Kate Brown was friends with her in 5th and 6th grade at Pattengill School and spoke for many of us when she wrote, "She will certainly be missed!"

You can read Jeanne's obituary here.


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