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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about English and Social Studies teacher Rupert Otto

Mr. Otto was 96 but was still very sharp and doing well physically. He lived at the Glacier Hills Retirement Community in Ann Arbor. Classmate Rick Rector was a regular visitor and spent many hours with him, holding his hand and talking to him, playing music, and making sure he was comfortable. Rick said that a week before he died, Mr. Otto was happy, smiling, and talking about his years teaching at AAHS and playing the organ at the Michigan Theater. When they heard the news, class members were saddened but shared some wonderful memories. Mike Robinson wrote on Facebook, “At the beginning of each new semester, Mr. Otto would print his last name on the chalkboard and then tell the new class ‘I am Mr. Otto---frontwards it's Otto, backwards it's Otto and inside out it's Toot.’ Quite a guy.” Click here for his obituary.


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