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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Dick Cobb

7/13/2020. Jim Datsko sent us the news about Dick. Known later in life as Rich, he moved to Ann Arbor as a 3rdgrader and went to Haisley School, where he is remembered by classmates Vicki Lewis Bernal and Dale Withers Peck who recalled, “He was very humorous and witty.” Denny Olmsted was in Dick's Sunday School class at St. Andrew's and called him “a great guy”. Lauri Ingber Solomon, a close friend of Dawn Airey Link, says, “Dawn had such a crush on him but was afraid to do anything about it.” An MSU grad, Dick had a long career in advertising sales for several prominent magazines, including the Wall St. Journal, the New Yorker, and Newsweek. After many years in Chicago, he and his wife built a home near Torch Lake before moving to Traverse City for his last years. 

Please click here for Dick's obituary.

Dick Cobb
Dick Cobb


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