1/26/24. Duane Brown sent the news about Bob, writing that he passed away from a heart attack after surgery. He added, “Bob was a hero of mine and we were very close growing up.”
Bob was surrounded by a circle of close friends that included some of our other classmates, who remember him just as warmly as Duane. Bonnie Baylis Trap said, “One thing I loved about Bob (and many people did not see) was his great sense of humor. He was a funny guy and loved to have fun.”
It’s not often that other family members are mentioned when classmates reminisce about a class member who has passed, but Vicki Guenther Farrell remembered “how great his parents were” and Sharon Ralph Gingras spoke lovingly of them, too. Dawn Cole Kirk added, “I was so impressed by the way he took care of them.”
Duane was his cousin and Bonnie said, “we were practically related “—her brother, Bill, married Bob’s sister, Janet.
Vicki recalled, “Bob lived near me and was our paperboy. My house was his last stop so he would come in and visit every day.” She noted another of Bob’s qualities—in addition to being funny, “he was kind.” His obituary echoed this: “Bob made the world a better place with his kindness and generosity” and he gave “the warmest, heartfelt hugs”.
Bob died two days after his 77th birthday.
You can view Bob's obituary here.
