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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

News about Bob Cope

6/12/21. Barb Kendall Souza posted a note in the class Facebook group three days after Bob’s passing to let us know. She had wonderful remembrances of him to share. Bob and his twin brother, Dick, were on the AAHS swim team with Barb’s husband, classmate Pete Souza, and were excellent swimmers, Bob on the butterfly and Dick on backstroke. Bob was even her boyfriend in 6th and 7th grades at Eberwhite and Slauson.

Linda Prieskorn also knew Bob, starting at Eberwhite, and later worked with him at Clague School, where they shared an anchor class for two years, remembering, “We had so much fun with those kids. Bob was a phenomenal educator.”

Barb said “He was an awesome guy”, with a great sense of humor and you can just tell from the picture on the obituary with Bob’s big smile. As Linda said, “The world has lost a treasure.”

You can read Bob's obituary here.

Bob Cope
Bob Cope


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