Writing under the pen name, David R. Hardiman, Dave's third book is now available online at Amazon.com or in major bookstores, such as Barnes & Noble, where he has been giving well-attended book signings and speaking about the book. It's a candid and inspiring account of Dave's struggle with PTSD and very unusual service dog, a shih tzu named Bailey, who came into his life seven years ago.

Dave said, "I took a different approach from any book I could find about service dogs. I wanted people to read my story, be entertained, inspired, become better educated about these marvelous creatures and feel compassion for those of us who need their help, even those of us who do not look disabled." His story includes snippets about our school days.
You can learn more about Dave, Bailey and the book at Dave's website and if you would like an autographed copy, send an email to Dave at baileysremarkableplan@gmail. He has two other books in the works, including one that explains that his real name is Hardiman but he didn't know that until he was well into his 50's. A family commitment kept him from attending the reunion but he is in our Class of '65 Facebook group and is eager to reconnect with classmates. You can reach him through his website or at daverichardson@att.net. Dave lives in Arlington, TX.