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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Alumni Update: Katy Munn (Hanson)

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

After AAHS I attended the U-M for two years, then moved to Seattle with my first husband Tom, who was an aeronautics and astronautics engineer at Boeing. For the next 10 years we each got graduate degrees at the U-Washington (mine in speech-language pathology), worked full time, and spent the weekends either downhill skiing or mountain climbing.

After divorcing, I met and married my second husband, Dave. We toured the U.S. for two summers on motorcycles, then moved to the San Juan Islands (northwest of Seattle towards the Canadian border), and ran an inter-island freight, and marine salvage/construction business. Dave died in 1997 so I moved back to Seattle and met who would turn out to be my third husband, Mike, who was running a tree removal business. Even though he was a downhill ski instructor, he hasn’t been able to teach me to be an expert skier yet (!).

I retired from the schools in June, 2013, but 2 years previous to that I established a speech-language pathology clinic with a co-worker in West Seattle. So I guess I could say I’m semi-retired at this time.


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