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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Alumni Update: Lynn Umpleby (Fuentes)

After leaving AAHS, I spent two of my undergraduate years in Oxford, England where I met my first husband. We married in 1969, had a son in 1973 and a daughter in 1977, and moved all over the U.S. while he put together a business career, and I kept taking bar exams.

I was in Chicago when the marriage fell apart in the late 90's, so I continued teaching at DePaul University, mediating, writing, getting a PH.D, volunteering, doing triathlons, and dealing with what seemed like endless family health crises. I started a program to help people with chronic illness get a degree (begun as a result of watching my own son struggle with this issue).

I married again in 2002 and divorced in 2008. I now live in Sedona with my husband, Jose Ricardo Fuentes, where we share our love of integral philosophy (and each other!) and teach, serve, and write in the areas of meditation, integral theory, and personal growth.


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