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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

Alumni Update: Barbara (Hardaway) Hill

We moved to Ann Arbor when I was 10 years old just in time to go to the newly build Wines Elementary School which was about a mile and a half from my home. It was my 5th grade year, Louis Pitts and I were the only two Black students in that class. This was new to me since in my previous school it was two White students in the class.The following year the school zone changed and I spent my  6th grade year at Mack Elementary school which was much closer to my home and the Black to White student ratio was almost even. This changes help me to learn how to get along with all people the rest of my years in school no matter what the race of the students I shared a class room with. Then there was junior high(now called middle school) I had the privilege to attend Slauson and the new built Forsythe. Each time I change schools I continued friendships and well as made new ones.

In 2014 at least 3 people that played a special part in my life in high school and beyond passed away. First there was Deon Jackson we were friends spending many Sunday afternoons listening to music and drinking chocolate milk. Then there was Mr. Herbert Ellis though I never had him as an instructor , he lived across the from me, he was kind enough to give me a ride to school all of my high school years. Sadly he passed away in July 2014. Miss Bella Gilchrist (Parker) taught business machines and shorthand. I always thought that being a secretary was a good career choice until that class, thank God I found out in time that was not for me. However I did discover my gift in other office skills that helped me later in life when I became an Accounting Clerk in the Math Department at University of Michigan in which I retired from.  Miss Gilchrist was also present when I was Ordained a Local Elder in the AME Church. Our paths crossed many times until she passed away in September 2014. It also was in high school where I took enough Clothing classes that I learned how to sew and was able to use that skill to work as a stylist doing alterations in several retail stores making a living.

But the best memories from high school were the football games and the dances afterwards. It was in Ann Arbor High now known as Pioneer I was able to continued friendships and made new ones that have lasted a life time, such as Barbara Markham Campbell and Dale Withers Peck I have been friends with both of them for many years no matter what we always seem to be connected in some way.


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