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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

A Special Remembrance by the Golf Team

1965 Golf Team members Bob Hallock, George Malacos, Pete Fink, and junior Toby Burt were the State High School Championship Team in our senior year. Bob recently related something that many of our classmates may not know. In Bob's words, "George and Toby qualified for the ’64 USGA Jr tournament in Eugene, Oregon. That is a big deal! George’s golf club, Colleton River Plantation, in Bluffton, S.C. is hosting the 68th year of the tournament this July and George is very involved with it. Pete, Toby and I honored George and our late coach and good friend, Tom Wilson, with a $1,000 contribution to the USGA Jr. My daughter, Catherine, a graphic artist, designed a special tribute picture of George with our coach."

George Malcos and Coach Tom Wilson
George Malcos and Coach Tom Wilson

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