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  • Writer's pictureNancy McArtor

A note from France from Pierre Pulling

Michael Hoeft and Joe Steinbock remain good friends with Pierre, staying in touch many years after our school days. Pierre asked Michael to send us some of his news.

Pierre Pulling's Dordogne house
Pierre Pulling's Dordogne house

Pierre spends part of every year in the Dordogne region of France. A gifted carpenter, he is restoring a 205-year old house he has owned for the past 25 years. (His regular home base is in the Napa Valley of California.) Pierre sent a picture of the house with the hand hewn acacia beam he will use in transforming the front porch into a kitchen as his 2016 project. The wood comes from an acacia tree grown on the property, shown in a second photo.

Pierre Pulling — acacia and elderberry
Pierre Pulling — acacia and elderberry

The third is of a 500-lb stone garden nymph that arrived on his birthday. (You can see his photos in Class Postings on the class website.) Pierre has been growing sunflowers in unusual colors – brown and red -- from seeds grown by Michael in West Virginia and reports that he started them in an old bedside urinal! He ends his note in his usual warm way, saying “Be Brave, Choose Love, God Bless!”

Pierre Pulling — French garden nymph
Pierre Pulling — French garden nymph


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