Francie was back in Ann Arbor to take part in an event celebrating the opening of a new engineering facility, including a student-faculty work and research space named for her father, John S. King. She told us, ”The University of Michigan College of Engineering has renovated the old Ford nuclear reactor building on the North Campus where my dad worked and taught, into what is now called NERS, or Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences. I attended the opening ceremonies as a family member and benefactor of the John S. King Collaboratory, which is part of the new facility. It honors my dad’s four decades of research and teaching at UofM, and fulfills a dream we all had several years ago about this space. It’s a big splendid area for group research and discussion smack in the middle of the building, so very accessible to all. Dad would have loved it (although probably not the part about its name — he wasn’t much for publicity!). What was so great about that weekend was meeting up with so many of the faces and personalities who were part of my childhood and teenage years — many are still alive, some very much so—both faculty and students. It was an absolute treat.”
