On July 21 (Art Fair Friday), fifty class members and guests got together at Revel & Roll, the bowling and entertainment center that we knew back in the day as Colonial Lanes. There were plenty of Michigan residents, but we also had classmates from Oregon, Kentucky, Texas, Indiana, South Carolina, and New York.
Here’s who came this year:
Barbara Angell Gilson and husband Paul Gilson (Class of ’63)
Tom Bloomer
Kris Brier
Steve Briggs and Karen Briggs (Class of ’64)
Bob Carow
Dawn Cole Kirk
John Cooch
Nancy Ewald Mirshah and husband Hassan Mirshah
Ned Farrar
Larry Gillen
Bobbie Goddard Lam and husband Blaine Lam
Rob Ideson and wife Lynda Ideson
Karen Kuker Salamin and husband Lyle Salamin (Class of ’63)
Chris Kyprie Potter
Sue Laubengayer Bolhouse
Marianne Mayer Behler
Cherie Major Sartori and husband Jim Sartori
Nancy McArtor
Dave Menefee
Connie Miller Hines and husband Ben Hines
Ann Munster
John Patthoff
Camille Procassini
Sharon Ralph Gingras
Jim Reach
Rick Rector
Cindy Robbins Elder and husband Ken Elder (Class of ’63)
Ruth Ryan and husband Ted Graham
Patty Sayre Sober
Kay Stipe Huntzicker and husband Tom Huntzicker (class of ’64)
Art Tai
Linda Toris Colby
Pam Ufer Wood and husband Bill Wood
Ken Visel
Martha Walters Sayre
Steve Watson
Nancy White Paul
Dana Whipple