At the reunion this year, there were 61 class members and guests, including many of our “regulars” and also some classmates who haven’t joined us before. We met in a spacious new venue, Revel & Roll, the bowling and entertainment center replacing Colonial Lanes. It received a lot of favorable comments, and not least because the air-conditioning felt a lot better than the humid, 95 degree weather outside!
Past reunions: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Here’s who was there:
Barbara Angell Gilson
Michael Bartus
Tim Bloomer
Betty Bostic-Parks
Kris Brier
Steven Briggs
Duane Brown
Linda Cohen Seitz
Dawn Cole Kirk and DeWitt Barnard, Class of ‘63
Pamela Conn Hyde
Jamie Datsko
Kay Deller Cullin
Judy Dowding Otts
Nancy Evaldson Mirshah and Hassan Mirshah
Carol Fahner Miller
Dick Fortune
Shaya Gardner-Hayum
Martha Gilson Phillips
Bobbie Goddard Lam and Blaine Lam
Ginger Hannah
Murvin Harris
Robert Harris
Bonnie Holzhauer Bean
Maggie House Conger
Jess Kauffman, teacher and coach
Dianne Kelley
Karen Kuker Salamin and Lyle Salamin, Class of ‘63
Sue Laubengayer Bolhouse
Marianne Mayer Behler
Nancy McArtor
Colleen McLean Calver and Lew Calver
Dave Menefee
Cheryl Mericle Roberts and Brian Roberts
Cheryl Meyer Sartori and Jim Sartori, Class of ‘63
Linda Prieskorn
Camille Procassini
Pamela Purdy Stephens
Sharon Ralph Gingras
Rick Rector
Cindy Robbins Elder and Ken Elder, Class of ‘63
Mike Robinson and Marian Robinson
David Slee
Linda Toris Colby
Pam Ufer Wood
Ken Visel
Martha Walters Sayre
Steve Watson
Deb Ward VandenBroek and Chris VandenBroek, Class of ‘63
Nancy White Paul
Christine Rettich Wilcox
Bill Wood