We had nearly 300 guests on Saturday evening. Those with an asterisk after their names stayed at the Kensington Court for one or more nights.
Two members of the class who are married to each other are listed in alpha order for both the wife’s maiden name and the husband’s name, i.e. the couple has two listings.
Some class members came to the Friday mixer only and since no reservation was required, their names are not on this list.
Past reunions: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Here’s who was there:
Lynn Abram Sawicky and Jim Sawicky
Judy Aitken Duffendack and Stan Duffendack
Jane Allen Angwin and Ray Angwin
Steve and Barbara Andres
Barbara Angell Gilson and Paul Gilson
Kathy Armbruster Zaffina
Buffy Baker and Robert Abbe
Becky Banfield Gaffney and Bruce Gaffney
Charlene Beach McNamara and Jim McNamara
Kelcey Beardsley
Steven and Carol Bell
Barbara Benton and Tom Jenik
Jane Berkeley Graber and Lee Graber
Erik and Patricia Blom
Tom Bloomer
Dave Bolhouse and Sue Laubengayer Bolhouse
Betty Bostic Parks
Mike and Lana Bradley
Kris and Margaret Brier
Steve Briggs and Karen Bell
Bill and Alice Brooks *
Cathy Brown Andrejak and Gary Andrejak
Duane Brown*
Kate Brown
Julie Burnes Stevens*
Greta Buss Zwinck and Bob Zwinck
Bob Carow*
Don Christopherson and Loretta Lohiser
Larry Clay
Linda Cohen Seitz
Dawn Cole Kirk and DeWitt Barnard
Don and Betsy Collier
Sharon Collins
Pamela Conn Hyde
Pete and Nicole Cooperrider*
Steve Crosswait and Donna Korzuck Crosswait
Sheryl Dale Storm and Ken Storm*
Barbara DeHart Eadie
LouAnn Donner and Paul Stuhmer
Paul Doud
Diane Ellis Racano and Vince Racano*
Kris Erickson Bronson*
Nancy Evaldson Mirshah and Hassan Mirshah
Lou Farah
Ned Farrar*
Sally Fawcett Peet and Henry Peet*
Bette Foster Gomez and Gus Gomez*
Bruce Gaffney and Becky Banfield Gaffney
Bill and Candace Gale*
Larry and Pam Gillen
Martha Gilson Phillips and Tom Phillips
Bobbie Goddard Lam and Blaine Lam
Ed and Christine Grant
Barb Grayum Woods and Gary Woods*
Vicki Guenther Farrell and Blackie Farrell
Jake Haas
Bob Hallock
Larry Halman and Cathy Glick-Halman
Laura Hammon Mol
John and Peggy Hanson
Mary Harper Dake*
Murvin Harris
Barbara Hill Hardaway
Bob and Dianna Hinderer
Mike and Barbara Hoeft*
Joan Hogan Fossum*
Betsy Holmes Costello and Bill Costello
Bonnie Holzhauer Bean*
Maggie House Conger
Mary Lu Houston Barth and Bob Barth
Rob and Lynda Ideson
David Johnson
Scott Johnson and Sandy Jones Johnson
Nancy Jones Whitney and Bill Whitney*
Sandy Jones Johnson and Scott Johnson
Dianne Kelley-Sanchez
Barb Kendall Souza and Pete Souza*
Dan and Susan Kett
Francie King and Robert Erbetta*
JoAnn King Okey and Monty Okey
Jill Kirby Nagel and David Nagel
Bill and Louise Kirchen*
Rich Kirtland and Bobbi Thayer Kirtland
Mel Knox and Pamela Smith
Donna Korzuck Crosswait and Steve Crosswait
Sandy Kuhn Sharum and John Sharum*
Karen Kuker Salamin and Lyle Salamin
Bill Kurtz
Sue Laubengayer Bolhouse and Dave Bolhouse
Christine Loken-Kim and Alan Lokengard
Mary Jane Lyndon
Susan Magid Bergin and Ed Bergin*
Linda Mahey and Greg Hissong
George and Moni Malacos*
Marianne Mayer Behler and Michael DeBone
Terry Mazur Faas*
Nancy McArtor* and her sister Carol McArtor Doyle
Kathy McDonald Kasiborski
Colleen McLean Calver and Lew Calver*
Dave Menefee
Joe and Leah Meunier
Cheryl Meyer Sartori and Jim Sartori
Connie Miller Hines and Benton Hines*
Linda Moon Winstanley
Mary Morio Zahner and Pete Zahner
Rita Mulholland Yeager and Ron Yeager
Linda Muller*
Katie Munn Hanson and brother Mike Munn
Ann Munster
Mary Ellen Nicholson Dolan and Jim Dolan
Monty Okey and JoAnn King Okey
Denny Olmsted*
Molly O’Neill Downs
Cherie Olsen Major and Warren Major
Nancy Paul
Martha Payne Harris and Jamie Harris (Class of ’64)
Henry Peet and Sally Fawcett Peet*
Tom Phillips and Martha Gilson Phillips
Martha Pott
Judi Poulos Bates
Linda Prieskorn
Camille Procassini
Pamela Purdy Stephens*
Mary Jean Raab and John Boyer
Ann Ratliff Bernard*
Sharon Ralph Gingras and Don Gingras*
Rick Rector
Jim Reed and Jean VanBuren Reed
Bob Reynolds and Katherine Savatsky
Nancy Rogers Gertig and John Gertig
Cindy Robbins Elder and Ken Elder (Class of ’63)
Mike and Marian Robinson
Ruth Ryan and Ted Graham
Rick and Lynn Sartori
Monique Scanio Doherty and Barry Doherty*
Nancy Schweitzer Potter*
Patricia Schneider Mannor
Marti Seeger Oler and Bob Oler
Connie Sekaros and Joe Showalter*
John Sharum and Sandy Kuhn Sharum*
Sylvia Shippey*
Clarence Slay
David Slee
Gloria Smashey Stouse
Francie Smillie and Klaus Singler
Pete Souza and Barbara Kendall Souza*
Julia Steiner and Laurie John Bowser
Kay Stipe Huntzicker and Tom Huntzicker (Class of ’64)
Ken Storm and Sheryl Dale Storm*
Ellen Strand and Dennis Regan
Mim Streiff Poag*
Sara Stubbins*
Art Tai and Joan Keiser
Gene Tanabe
Peg Tappe and Ruth Inkpen
Dennis Teeter*
Bobbi Thayer Kirtland and Rich Kirtland
Mary Thrall
Linda Toris Colby
Elana Turner Graham and Ben Graham
Pam Ufer Wood and Bill Wood
Lynn Umpleby Fuentes and Jose Ricardo Fuentes
Jean VanBuren Reed and Jim Reed
Nick van der Schalie*
Ken Visel and Lynn Hutzel-Visel
Betty Vokovich Hass
Diane Wahl
Loren and Sandy Walda
Mike Wall
Martha Walters Sayre and Pete Sayre
Deb Ward VandenBroek and Chris VandenBroek (Class of ’63)
Ginger Warner Rauser and Doug Rauser
Steve Watson
Dana Whipple
Nancy White Paul
Mac and Roseanne Whitehouse
Chris Williams Michelmore
Dale Withers Peck and sister Janet Withers Hill
Susan Wolf Davis
Bill Wood and Pam Ufer Wood
Mary Alice Work Hahn*
John and Mary Jean Yablonky
* Stayed at the Kensington Court
Al Gallup
Betty Jett Gerstler
Charlotte Hanson
Jess Kauffman
Jim Love
Cheryl Melby MacKrell
Don McEwen
John Nordlinger
Randy and Jan Peacock
Quirico and Judy Samonte