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Jul 7, 2015
Alumni Update: Elana Turner Graham
Here I am, preparing to attend my 50th year Pioneer High School class reunion. First and foremost, I count my blessings that I am alive...

Jun 28, 2015
Alumni Update: Monique Scanio (Doherty)
I was a shy one in school. I assume that at 13, losing my mom and my father remarrying 13 months later to an insecure person had a great...

Jun 28, 2015
Alumni Update: Katy Munn (Hanson)
After AAHS I attended the U-M for two years, then moved to Seattle with my first husband Tom, who was an aeronautics and astronautics...

Jun 28, 2015
Alumni Update: Mary Harper (Dake)
Hurricane Katrina is still around if you go to certain areas of New Orleans. While living in a mobile home for 4 years, we rebuilt on the...

Jun 20, 2015
Alumni Update: Lynn Umpleby (Fuentes)
After leaving AAHS, I spent two of my undergraduate years in Oxford, England where I met my first husband. We married in 1969, had a son...

Jun 7, 2015
Alumni Update: John Sharum
Where have the fifty years gone! We have lived the last two years in the small California foothills community of Angels Camp, a place...

Jun 7, 2015
Alumni Update: Sandy Kuhn (Sharum)
Where have the fifty years gone! We have lived the last two years in the small California foothills community of Angels Camp, a place...

Apr 5, 2015
Alumni Update: George Henry
2015 Update. So, since the last post Jill has finished pharmacy school. She worked at CVS for two years but now has a job she loves so...

Mar 15, 2015
Alumni Update: Ellen Strand
After a rocky start at the U of M, I joined the Navy, became an air controller, got married, had two sons, got divorced, and along the...

Mar 15, 2015
Alumni Update: Ken & Sheryl Storm
The following profile was written by Ken for himself and his wife, class member Sheryl Dale Storm. Sheryl and I raised our four children...

Mar 15, 2015
Alumni Update: Pamela (Stephens) Purdy
February 2015: I officially retired on January 2 this year from Accenture where I worked for the past 10 years as a Project Manager. I...

Mar 15, 2015
Alumni Update: Nancy McArtor
My parents met in graduate school at the University of Michigan, so my sisters and I were Ann Arbor kids right from the start. We went to...

Mar 15, 2015
Alumni Update: Barbara (Hardaway) Hill
We moved to Ann Arbor when I was 10 years old just in time to go to the newly build Wines Elementary School which was about a mile and a...
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