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On Turning 75
Earlier this year, Sara Stubbins described a birthday tradition of embracing her new age each year by treating herself in some memorable...
Oct 23, 2022

What’s good about turning 75? Classmate Ruth Ryan has some other answers.
Ruth, now a retired RN, sent this and explained, “I put this together for friends of mine who keep running into problems of too much...
Oct 22, 2022

“I don’t think most kids today know what an apron is.”
Some of the most poignant posts in the class Facebook group come from Shaya Gardner-Hayum. In September, she found an [unsigned] article...
Oct 21, 2022

Please don't let winter end too soon
Some of you have priceless pictures from our school days and, if we’re lucky, you can dig them up to share with the rest of us. Bob Carow...
May 16, 2022

Life was so much simpler then
There’s a sweet picture of Duane Brown at the age of two or three, holding onto a little stuffed panda by both its ears. Looking at it...
May 16, 2022

And not a Donald or a Susan to be found
Every time I read about a celebrity naming their newborn something unusual, such as Zillion, Wilde Wolf, Strummer, Lyra Antarctica, and...
May 16, 2022

If your parents met in Ann Arbor, there must be a story
In a class Facebook group conversation about the Beer Vault (now, there’s an example of how wide-ranging those conversations get), Rita...
May 16, 2022

Wake up, smell the coffee, and—maybe—read the paper
Nine ways to make coffee? That’s what we heard when we polled the Facebook group about their coffee habits one lazy Sunday morning...
May 16, 2022

A grandmother by any other name would be as sweet
Perhaps you’ve heard an anecdote that goes something like this: A little girl was helping her grandmother get the house ready for some...
Jan 14, 2022

Making modern art in a medieval village
We have 8 class members living abroad, including one classmate each in France and England, and two each in the Netherlands, Canada, and ...
Jan 14, 2022

Francie King has a gift for bringing others’ stories to life
After almost 75 years, we all have a life story to tell. Or maybe it’s more like a lot of stories packed into one life. One of our...
Jan 14, 2022

Still playing after all these years
Every year for the last fifteen years, the four members of the AAHS ’65 State Championship Golf Team, George Malacos, Pete Fink, Bob...
Jan 14, 2022

That sound, that smell, that cuteness… has to be a VW Bug!
In October, the New York Times ran an article about possibly the most beloved car of all time, the original VW Beetle. In the memories of...
Jan 14, 2022
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