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Bye-bye to Colonial Lanes
Colonial Lanes as we knew it during the past 10 years of informal class reunions - and where many of us bowled a long time earlier than...
Aug 7, 2015

Boy Scouts Telling Tales
Four class members got together in Chelsea for lunch on a fine summer day. Three of them – Gary Baker, Rick Rector and David Slee - have...
Aug 7, 2015

Results from the Post-Reunion Online Survey
We received a tremendous response to the online survey. It was posted on July 20 and by the deadline on July 31, we had heard from 140...
Aug 1, 2015

Another 50-year Reunion
Right after the class reunion, another group that likes to stay in touch held a two-day reunion of their own. They were some of the...
Jul 14, 2015

Carpenter School Lunch Bunch!
Eight friends who went to Carpenter Elementary School during the 1950's got together again on July 11 during the 50-year reunion weekend....
Jul 11, 2015

Kids Again! If Only for a Day
Fifty-six years after graduating from 6th grade, Burns Park alumni at the 50-year reunion got together on Friday, July 10, 2015 for a...
Jul 10, 2015

"Reunion excuses note" from Kathy Kress Sudweeks
Kathy sent her Pioneer sweatshirt but didn't make it to the reunion herself. Afterwards she sent us this note: "I was really looking...
Jul 9, 2015

The Girls Get Together
A group of friends from school days (some going all the way back to Eberwhite elementary school) got together as part of the 50-year...
Jul 9, 2015

A Grandson for Sara Stubbins
In the same hospital in Madison, WI, where Sara gave birth to her daughter, (a month overdue!), Diane, 35 years earlier, Avery Dean Sing...
Jul 8, 2015

Dave Menefee wields a mean chisel
Monique Scanio Doherty dug up a great picture of Dave hard at work back in the day. The exact year isn't sure but let's just say his...
May 18, 2015

Jim Datsko resurrects some Pattengill school photos
In response to the Spring Quarterly Class Update, Jim Datsko went searching through his stuff and found a trove of elementary school...
May 10, 2015

Bob Carow comes to Philadelphia
Bob took the train down from New York and met Nancy McArtor for a day in Philadelphia. They took a long walk along the banks of the...
May 8, 2015

Bourdain catches up with Iggy in Miami
As part of the CNN series, "Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown", Bourdain went down to Miami for a segment aired on May 3. One of the...
May 3, 2015

Mike Bradley heads back to the Midwest
Mike Bradley and his wife, Lana, will be leaving Texas in June after 33 years there, most of it spent in and around Ft. Worth. In 2006,...
May 1, 2015

The Crosswaits go to the Senior Prom - together this time!
Donna Korzuck Crosswait wrote, “While our grandson went to his Senior Prom last night, Steve and I celebrated the 50th anniversary of our...
Apr 18, 2015
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