Here's Who Came to the 2022 Reunion
Carol Allen
Barbara (Angell) Gilson
Becky Banfield Gaffney
Tom Bloomer
Betty Bostic-Parks
Mike Bradley
Kris Brier and his wife, Margaret
Duane Brown and his husband, Pasha Parfenov
Don Christopherson and his wife, Loretta
Dawn (Cole) Kirk
Don Collier and his wife, Betsy
Pamela (Conn) Hyde
Richard Davis
Roger DeLong and his wife, Claire
Carol (Fahrner) Miller
Sally (Fawcett) Peet
Bruce Gaffney
Shaya Gardner Hayam
Martha (Gilson) Phillips
Bobbie (Goddard) Lam and her husband, Blaine
Vicki Guenther Farrell and her husband, Blackie
Jake Haas
Bob Hallock
Larry Halman and his wife, Cathy Glick
John Hanson and his wife, Peggy
Bonnie (Holzhauer) Bean
Maggie (House) Conger
Mary Lu (Houston) Barth
Rob Ideson and his wife, Lynda
Dave Johnson
Scott Johnson
Sandy (Jones) Johnson
JoAnn (King) Okey
Mary (Kirby) Lumbard
Karen (Kuker) Salamin and her husband, Lyle
Sue (Laubengayer) Bolhouse
Jim Louwsma and his wife, Joanne
Gary Lumbard
George Malacos
Carol Martin
Karen (Mayfield) Stitt
Dave Menefee
Connie (Miller) Hines and her husband, Ben
Ann Munster
Ted Murray
Monty Okey
Cherie Olson Major
Martha (Payne) Harris and her husband, Jamie
Henry Peet
Tom Phillips
Judi (Poulos) Bates
Camille Procassini
Mary Raab and her guest, John Boyer
Sharon (Ralph) Gingras and her husband, Don
Ann (Ratliff) Bernard and her husband, Fred
Jim Reach
Chris (Rettich) Wilcox and her husband, Donald
Ruth Ryan
Rick Sartori and his wife, Lynn
Monique (Scanio) Doherty
Marti (Seeger) Oler and her husband, Bob
Sylvia Shippey
David Slee
Francie Smillie and her guest, Klaus Singler
Marcia (Stegath) Dorr and her guest, Elmo Morales
Sara Stubbins
Art Tai and his wife, Joan
Dennis Teeter
Don Terry
Elana (Turner) Graham
Diane Wahl
Martha (Walters) Sayre and her husband, Pete
Deb (Ward) VandenBroek and her husband, Chris
Steve Watson
Carl Weber
Dana Whipple
Nancy (White) Paul
Pam (Ufer) Wood
Bill Wood
> More information on the 2022 Reunion