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Many thanks to these class members for their generous contributions to the 2022 Reunion.

  • Barbara Angell Gilson

  • Patricia Arnold Carney, in memory of all the classmates we've lost

  • Elizabeth Baker

  • Becky Banfield Gaffney and Bruce Gaffney

  • Shirley Bauer Varney, dedicated to the Class of ‘65

  • Jane Berkeley Graber

  • Steve Binder

  • Tom Bloomer

  • Betty Bostic-Parks

  • Mike Bradley in anticipation of the 60-year reunion in 2024 

  • Kris Brier, in memory of Biff Kollewehr

  • Kris Brier, in memory of math teacher and head football coach Chuck Ritter

  • Kris Brier, in memory of Jimmie Wade

  • Duane Brown, in memory of biology teacher Joseph Sooby

  • Sara Brownlee Briggs, in memory of Susan Craik Chandler

  • Don Christopherson

  • Stephanie Collins Jones

  • Jim Datsko, in memory of German teacher Herr Wolfgang Dozauer

  • Roger DeLong

  • Diane Ellis Racano

  • Carol Fahrner Miller

  • Martha Gilson Phillips, in memory of her parents, Mark and Gloria Gilson

  • Bobbie Goddard Lam

  • Jacob Haas

  • Bob Hallock, in memory of history teacher Randy Peacock and golf coach Tom Wilson

  • Larry Halman, in memory of English teacher and faculty advisor for The Optimist, Clare Field, and her husband John Field

  • Ginger Hannah

  • John Hanson

  • Murvin Harris

  • George Henry

  • Robert Hinderer

  • Michael Hoeft

  • Betsy Holmes Costello

  • Bonnie Holzauer Bean—in memory of Cathy Miller Traviss

  • Maggie House Conger

  • Mary Lu Houston Barth, in memory of biology teacher Joseph Sooby

  • Rob Ideson

  • David Johnson, in memory of Dave Fox

  • David Johnson, in memory of David Hughes

  • David Johnson, in memory of Chris Kentes

  • Scott and Sandra Jones Johnson 

  • Dale Kooperman

  • Kathy Kress Sudweeks

  • Karen Kuker Salamin

  • Christine Kyprie Potter, in memory of music faculty members at Tappan and AAHS

  • Sue Laubengayer Bolhouse, in memory of her husband and our classmate, David Bolhouse

  • Christine Loken-Kim

  • Gary and Mary Kirby Lumbard

  • ​Mary Jane Lyndon

  • George Malacos, in memory of his son, Matthew Gus Malacos

  • Carol Martin

  • Marianne Mayer Behler

  • Karen Mayfield Stitt, in memory of her husband, Grant

  • Nancy McArtor, in memory of class advisor Don McEwen and Russian teacher William Ambrazevich

  • Laurie McFall Leinbach, in memory of her son, Michael Gregory Leinbach

  • Carol Miller

  • Katy Munn Hanson

  • Ann Munster, in memory of American history teacher Mr. Donald Schultz and English teacher Dr. Charles Eastwood

  • Ted Murray

  • Martha Paul Sauer in memory of Linda Elslager

  • Martha Payne Harris

  • Henry and Sally Fawcett Peet 

  • Tom Phillips, in memory of his parents, George and Margaret Phillips

  • Tom and Martha Gilson Phillips

  • Martha Pott, in memory of musical faculty member at both Tappan and AAHS Richard Massman

  • Judi Poulos Bates, in memory of Kathy Blight Richards

  • Camille Procassini

  • Pamela Purdy Stephens

  • Ann Ratliff Bernard, in memory of Joan Campbell

  • Rick Rector, in memory of English teacher Rupert Otto

  • Jim Reach

  • Christine Rettich Wilcox

  • Ruth Ryan, in memory of Dawn Airey Link

  • Rick Sartori

  • Richard Schumann

  • John and Sandy Kuhn Sharum, in memory of English teachers Dr. Charles Eastwood and Frank Reed

  • Sylvia Shippey

  • Francie Smillie

  • Don Sprentall

  • Marcia Stegath Dorr

  • Sara Stubbins, in memory of her parents, William and Mary Stubbins

  • Art Tai

  • Peg Tappe

  • Don Terry, dedicated to the Class of ’65 and good memories

  • Elana Turner Graham, in memory of "Go Latin" teacher William Dickerman

  • Lynn Umpleby Fuentes, in memory of English teacher Dr. Charles Eastwood

  • Diane Wahl

  • Martha Walters Sayre

  • Carl Weber

  • Dana Whipple

  • Nancy White Paul

  • Mac Whitehouse

  • Bill and Pam Ufer Wood

  • Anonymous, in memory of history teacher Randy Peacock

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