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This website was designed to help you stay connected to the class. You can learn what other class members are doing and share information about yourself through the Class Postings; stay up to date on the annual reunions; and search the Found, Missing or Deceased class member listings.

Class of '65 on Facebook

The first place to get news about our former classmates is through the class group on Facebook, called “Ann Arbor High Class of ‘65”.  Some interesting, often funny, and sometimes sad announcements, discussions, comments, and questions get posted there. (However, we do avoid political and religious topics, saving those for our personal FB walls.)


If you would like to join us, click here and ask to join. Or put "Ann Arbor High Class of '65" into the search box on Facebook. Nancy McArtor or Duane Brown will accept your request and also introduce you to the group.

Do we have your
e-mail address?

If you haven't been receiving quarterly Class Updates and other class news from Nancy McArtor, it’s because we don't have your current email address.  Please write to Duane Brown so that we can get you on the list.

Our email list is private and we won’t share yours without getting your permission. However, with their agreement, the email addresses of some class members are posted next to their names on the Found list – see “Class Listings” above.

Got something to share?

We've created the Class Postings section of the website for class members to use as a place to post your news, announcements, questions, or musings, alumni updates of what you've been doing since graduation, or even photos of your own grandkids – teeny or not -- turned out in their Wolverine best.  Check back often to see what's new, and send a posting of your own to our web editors, Nancy McArtor and Duane Brown.

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